Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break Read-A-Thon

Time for the fine print...

During spring break the Edgemont PTO is sponsoring a Read-A-Thon fundriaser for the kids. Students may get pledges or donations based on minutes read. (Example: If someone pledges 5 cents per minute and a child reads 200 minutes over spring break the student would collect $10.00 or a donation of any amount may be accepted too.) Kids are encouraged to read as much as possible between Friday, March 21st and Sunday, March 30th. Money will need to be collected and turned in by Thursday April 3rd. For every $5.00 turned in the student will receive one "Book Buck" worth $1.00 toward the purchase of books from the book fair. These "Book Bucks" can be redeemed on Monday, April 14th at a special one day book fair in the library. There will be prizes for individual kids and class parties for those who read the most minutes and turn int he most money. Each student will receive a treat for just returning the envelope whether they choose to participate in the Read-A-Thon or not.

If you would like to make a pledge just leave a comment here and Delaney or Cameron will get back to you soon. THANKS!


idahonana said...

I am sending you each $10.00 for your Read-A-Thon. Hope you enjoy your Spring Break. Can't wait to see you in May.

Denise said...

Hi Delaney and Cameron! Delaney - you are good!!! We will donate $10 to each of you. I will have Greg give the money to your dad on this trip. Good luck with reading 3 hours a day!!! Miss you guys!
Denise & Greg

libbymorton said...

Babies ...the checks are in the mail. I am so proud of both of you. Harry Potter in the third grade ...amazing !!!

Liza said...

Hi's me Delaney. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the money. Cameron and I both turned in our envelopes yesterday and we both got a treat.
Thank you!
I love you,