Friday, September 19, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Let's wrap this week up shall we?
Sunday - Delaney turns 10 with all the appropriate birthday hoopla. That night she tells us she would like to audition for the Missoula Children's Theater production of The Princess & The Pea.
Monday - Auditions 4 - 6:30 She gets a part (of course!) Home for homework and off to bed.
Tuesday - MCT rehearsal 4 - 6:00 Cameron has football practice 6:30 - 7:30 Homework, showers, bed!
Wednesday - MCT rehearsal 4 - 8:30! Yep - you read that right! While she is at Eagle Rock Jr. High School, Chris and Cameron and I managed to make and can 2 very nice pints of Homemade Hucklberry jelly. Delicious! And it's double good because we made it from Hucklberries we picked ourselves. (Very Ma Ingalls of me) We also realized that Thursday is the PACE rocket launch. Dad is now sitting at the kitchen table making the rocket out of two 2 liter pop bottles because poor Delaney is just NOT going to have time this week.
Thursday - Delaney is back at play practice 4 - 8:30. That means Cameron needs to launch her rocket for her at Community Park at 5:00.Then Chris and I volunteered to help at the Rocket Launch...he is launching, I'm cooking hot dogs for the fundraiser. We finish at 6:15 which is good, because we have to run across the park. Cameron's flag football game starts at 6:30. GO KILLER BEES. Cameron scores a touchdown, but the Bees still lose.
Friday - Chris and Cameron are going to meet the rest of the team and go to the Skyline High School Homecoming game so the little boys, can see how the BIG boys play. Delaney is back at the Jr. High for practice until 8:30 again tonight. (she gets to take a dinner with her)
I am staying home, in my pj's, drinking gin and making peach jam! LOL
Saturday - Cameron's game is at noon at Community Park. Delaney's Matinee is at 3:00 and the night show is at 7:00. I will take lots of videos - I promise!

Whew! We are not leaving the house on Sunday. We aren't answering the phone. We are huddling up and no one has to do anything they don't want to for 24 hours. Because guess what...Monday it starts all over again. LOL

All our love,


lishajeanne said...

Just a little info in case you want to steal it. My friend in Colorado had a name for days like Sunday. It was a jammie day. Which means exactly what you plan to do except they stay in their pjs all day while doing it just to solidfy the "not doing anything" attitude. I always thought it sounded fun! I stay in my pjs all the time but not for the same reasons as you. Someday my kids will grow older, but I am in no rush.

Ryan Hansen said...

How are you doing? Are you OK? We're sorry to hear about Wayne...Let us know if you need anything!