Thursday, October 9, 2008

It must be Fall

We have had chili, stew, and ham and beans in the crockpot.
I have been making and canning homemade jam.
The Bronco's are 4 and 1.
I got out all the yarn and spent the whole night working on a baby hat for my friend Clark.

Yup! It must be Autumn in Idaho.

PS: Saturday's forecast calls for snow and highs near 40 degrees! Whoo Hoo - bring it on!


lishajeanne said...
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lishajeanne said...

SHUT UP! Are you knitting? Cause if you are I just found another reason to love you more! I LOVE TO KNIT!

Denise said...

Rub the awesome ID weather in why don't you?!?! I am impressed that you are knitting a hat...I can only knit scarves and dish cloths!

Anonymous said...

Forecast for snow, huh? How about you pass some of that my way where it was 95 degrees two days ago. What's a girl gotta do for a snow fall??!! I shall continue to wish for cold weather on the arm of Jay Cutler. Go Broncos!!

Beth Ann said...

I have decided that I want to learn to knit so that I can make something for Amy Joy's new baby (Tucker Lee -- absolutely adorable). Any chance you could give me a long distance lesson? I promise that I am a very diligent student!